Michael Hinz Michael Hinz


Hi there, I’m Michael!

I’m a Tasmania based software engineer turned indiedev looking to transition into the games industry full-time. Over the last couple of years I’ve become an active member of the local gamedev community, completed an ICT degree majoring in Games & Creative Technology and mentored several games students. I’m a current board member of the TasGameMakers where I help organize community events such as TasJams, social get-togethers and weekly student dev sessions in conjunction with UtasPlay.

My current projects are a Mars colonizing survival sim (project name Ares) for which I’m seeking funding, as well as a smaller scoped roguelike/swarm survival game that mostly exists to explore various combat mechanics.

Key Strengths

  • Unity Game Engine
  • C#, Kotlin, Java
  • Project Architecture
  • Azure DevOps
  • Git, PlasticSCM
  • CI/CD Automation

Current Projects


Ares is a cozy survival game in which the player establishes a base on Mars. Gather resources, construct colony infrastructure, grow crops and explores the mysteries of the red planet.

Plains of Havoc

Plains of Havoc is a swam-survival roguelike in which the player defeats endless waves of increasingly dangerous enemies, upgrading their character with various weapons, abilities and equipment.

Archived Projects

Tomb of Sisyphus

An endless fighting game in which the player fights an increasing amount of monsters every time they beat the arena. Enemies can drop various weapons and health potions for the player to collect. Submission for the 2022 TasJam.


A Discord bot that lets users play Wordle collaboratively in a discord channel, or privately by direct messaging the bot. It was written in C# and utilizes Firebase for persistent data storage.

Final Warp

My entry for the Ludum Dare #50. Survive as long as you can by shooting down enemies and collecting their oxygen to refill your tanks.

Unstable Block Stacker

My entry for the Ludum Dare #49. It was a fun challenge to put something together and make it available for other people to play and judge publicly. Ranked #207 overall.

Party Barrels

Inspired by the likes of Crossy Road, Frogger and Giant Margarita's party franchise, this game pits players against time and each other to see who will survive the longest in a procedurally generated world filled with hazards.

Super Fuzzball

A platformer with a grapple mechanic — the main focus of this project was learning how to use the new Unity input system and how to create tight platformer controls using unity's physics. Works well in single player, but gets much more chaotic fun with more players. Supports as many controllers as you can plug in.


First completed project for a Uni assignment — it's Pong!