
Plains of Havoc is the continuation of my TasJam submission, Tomb of Sisyphus. It is my take on the swarm-survival genre in which the player is pitted against never-ending waves of enemies, fighting them off for as long as they can. Throughout each run the player gains levels, which in turn allow for upgrading their stats. The player starts each new run from level one, but meta-progression allows for permanent upgrades that allow the player to push further each time they play.


The main objective is to publish Plains of Havoc on Steam to go through all the required steps of successfully launching a title. I’m using this project as a learning opportunity for marketing and publishing as well as to experiment with some combat gameplay mechanics. I can then apply the lessons learned to Ares to make sure that it has the largest chance of success.

As this project is fairly small in scope I’m hoping to get away with mostly free art assets provided by Kenny and possibly do a graphics overhaul if I’m able to raise some funds or after a successful release.